Historian hunting Hitler’s gold train may have found Nazi trucks holding treasure

Posted By : Telegraf
7 Min Read


A historian who spent years searching for a Nazi gold train may have discovered a lake containing Third Reich treasures.

Piotr Koper, from Walbrzych in southwest Poland, has been exploring the lake in the Polish village of Zarska Wies since December 4, 2020.

He and the “Golden Train Foundation” have used sonar and an underwater drone to track down a Nazi convoy of trucks – supposedly containing exhibits from a museum.

According to locals, Adolf Hitler’s forces arrived on the icy reservoir in the winter of 1945 before the trucks sank into the water.

The team have already turned up a lime kiln in the north-western part of the water, along with tires and a small case.

Historian hunting Hitler’s gold train may have found Nazi trucks holding treasure
Adolf Hitler’s forces left a convoy of trucks on a frozen reservoir in Poland, it is claimed

Mr Koper told local news site Zgorzelec Nasze Miasto: “The research was completed on Sunday.

“We have decent results and we will now try to mine as we have seen a very strong steel signal.

“I expect these could be trucks that were sunk in 1945. Today it’s hard to say what their value is, because it depends on whether the wrecks are full or empty.”

Historian Piotr Koper
Piotr Koper has been exploring the lake in the Polish village of Zarska Wies

The reservoir was also explored by Marcel Korkus, a Guinness record holder in high mountain diving.

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Mr Koper added: “We are now waiting for the development of ground-penetrating radar. If the results are confirmed, we will apply for permission for mining.”

Before this project, Mr Koper spent years searching for a Nazi train said to be filled with treasures.

A grab from footage recorded in the resevoir
He and researchers have used sonar and an underwater drone

It was supposedly hidden in a secret tunnel in Poland as Soviet forces advanced towards the Nazis in 1945.

In August 2015, Mr Koper and fellow historian Andreas Richter claimed they had found the train buried in a railway cutting near the city of Walbrzych.

Local authorities got involved in the search, but nothing was found.

The resevoir in the Polish village of Zarska Wies
The reservoir was also explored by Marcel Korkus, a Guinness record holder in high mountain diving

Earlier this month, an expert suggested that the Nazi “Flytrap” — a mysterious structure built during WWII — may have been intended as a launch pad for an experimental “flying saucer”.

This bizarre structure is informally known as Hitler’s Stonehenge and was part of the Project Reise, a clandestine construction operation that involved a deep and intricate network of tunnels built by concentration camp prisoners.

Reise, which is German for giant, consisted of seven unfinished underground tunnels built deep into the Sowie Mountains in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1944.

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No one knows the true purpose of the structure, because any documents at the time were destroyed by fleeing Nazi forces after their defeat in the war.

This mystery lead to a lot of speculation about its purpose, including from new UKTV Yesterday documentary Secret Nazi Bases.

In a recent episode of the show, forensic archaeologist Robert Sparling says the arched, circular concrete structure by the Nazis may be an indication that they were attempting to build a flying saucer with ‘glowing propulsion systems’.


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