Hitler liked women peeing on him during sex and was incestuous with niece, doc claims

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


Adolf Hitler liked women urinating on him during sex and had an incestuous relationship with his niece, a documentary claims.

The evil Nazi dictator also reportedly liked women to kick him, enjoyed sadomasochistic acts and was addicted to porn.

The claims were made in Hitler’s Secret Sex Life, which was broadcast on Sky History on Sunday.

Hitler is said to have had an incestuous relationship with his niece Geli Raubal, which is believed to have lasted for six years.

Former Hitler ally Otto Strasser, who later broke with the party, went on to claim the tyrant liked women to urinate on him.

Hitler liked women peeing on him during sex and was incestuous with niece, doc claims
Hitler is said to have liked women to urinate on him and kick him

He said Geli was among those who had been forced to take part in it.

Geli was later discovered dead at Hitler’s apartment in Munich, Germany in 1931 after being shot in the chest, aged 23, fuelling suspicions he murdered her.

She reportedly claimed Hitler demanded “simply repulsive” things from her, according to the Sun.

Professor Robert Kaplan, an Australian historian and forensic psychiatrist, told the publication: “Sadomasochistic practices fit perfectly in with Hitler’s personality.

The niece
Hitler’s young niece

“He internalised everything he didn’t like, like the losses in his life, and he projected his rage on everybody.

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“It’s quite feasible that somebody like that would have these sexual practices.”

Actress Renata Mueller, who plunged to her death after engaging in sadomasochistic acts with Hitler, also revealed he had pleaded with her to kick him.

She reportedly told film director Alfred Ziesler she kept kicking him as he lay on the floor begging for more.

Adolf Hitler with his relative
Hitler next to his niece

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Hitler claimed he abstained from sex and opposed prostitution.

But he actually invited sex workers to put on private shows at his mountain retreat and had a porn addiction, according to the documentary.

Prof Kaplan claimed voyeurism fitted in with his personality and sexuality – as he could enjoy it but not reveal anything of himself.

Hitler had publicly admitted the closest he got to being aroused was addressing mass rallies, the professor added.

The Fuhrer’s personal medic also reportedly gave him amphetamines and bull semen to increase his libido.


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