A health advice website wants to pay you £1,500 to live out your dreams.
They are looking for someone to sleep for five night in comfort and tell them all about it.
Not only that, but you get to stay in five different locations – including a glam five-star resort.
Dream makers Sleep Standards are offering $2,000 for the role of a lifetime.
The US website is dedicated to dispensing sleep health advice and they also review the latest sleep-aid products.

(Image: Getty Images)
An advert on their site says they want to “learn more about the influence of environmental factors on the quality of sleep.”
But even those in the UK can apply for the role.
They say all travel expenses will be paid and the chosen candidate will receive the equivalent of £300 a day for their snoozing services.
The ad on the website read: “If we choose you, we will send you to a new sleep environment every night.
“In each of those environments, we will carefully adjust several environmental factors that we think might improve your sleep quality.”

(Image: Getty Images)
The chosen sleeper will be asked to rate each sleeping environment on a scale of 1 to 10, and also write a detailed report of each night’s experience.
Applications are being accepted on the website until March 30.
The jobs aren’t actually linked, but there is also a super opportunity to become a “slipper testerâ€.
Not only will you get free footwear to feel cosy in, but you’ll also be paid £333 a month – that’s just under £4,000 a year.
Bedroom Athletics wants two new testers – one to test women’s slippers and the other men’s.
Successful applicants will be asked to wear the slippers for 12 hours a day for two days every month.
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