A vile attacker who took knickers and leggings as “trophies” from his victims after sexually assaulting them has been jailed.
Shakur Valentino, 23, from St Helens launched his first attack on a teenage girl he met on a night out and then weeks after being released by police for the first incident raped a gran near London’s Piccadilly Circus.
At Liverpool Crown Court Judge Louise Brandon said it was a “disturbing feature” that Valentino “took trophies” from his offences.
Valentino met the teenage victim in St Helens in the early hours of December 9, 2018 and went back to her dad’s house with a group of friends.
While the victim and Valentino initially had consensual sex he later climbed onto the victim, reports the Liverpool Echo.

(Image: Liverpool Echo)
Philip Astbury, prosecuting, said: “She told him no as she was tired… the defendant refused to take no for an answer.”
The court heard that Valentino “placed his hand over her mouth” to “silence her protests”.
Mr Astbury said the victim believed he raped her, but the prosecution after consulting with her took the “pragmatic decision” to accept he didn’t and Valentino later admitted attempted rape while in court.
A friend heard the cries and came into the room and Valentino hastily escaped from the scene and was later found by police.
Although he claimed the victim was on drugs a toxicology report refuted these claims.

(Image: Liverpool Echo)

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Officers also found the victim’s knickers “hidden in his boxer shorts” but he was unable to explain why he took them.
Weeks after attacking the teenager at around 3.30am on February 4, 2019 Valentino also attacked a cleaner in the West End of London.
Valentino dragged the victim into an alley where he raped her and in similar circumstances took the victim’s leggings which police found when he was caught fleeing.
On Friday Valentino was given a further five and a half years in jail, with an extended two years, for the attempted rape of his first victim.
He had already previously been jailed for 12 years, with an extended five years on licence, for raping the cleaner, who was in her 60s.
Summing up the trial on Friday Judge Brandon told Valentino he made derogatory remarks about both victims after his attacks, which “disclosed your deep seated and disgraceful attitude to women and you thinking you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, when dealing with women”.
The judge said having read the psychological report, she struggled to accept he was genuinely remorseful.
She said it was clear he had been affected by childhood traumas, adding: “You are a very damaged young man.”
However, she said he was also “a very dangerous young man”.
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