National Lottery hero who makes furniture for NHS Nightingale Hospitals wins £300k prize

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


A man from Weston-super-Mare who works making furniture for NHS Nightingale hospitals throughout the pandemic is celebrating an incredible £300K win after picking up a winning scratch card.

Dan Fisher is now planning for the future once lockdown is over, after the gigantic win will allow him to transform his life and even purchase his first home.

The 45-year-old has been playing his part to help the NHS throughout the pandemic, working as a key NHS supplier and is absolutely overjoyed with the incredible jackpot.

Dan, who won his life-changing £300,000 on The National Lottery’s Cashword Bonus Scratchcard, began his job just a month before last year’s initial lockdown.

He said: “I had been in my previous job for 20 years but may well have been made redundant when lockdown hit.

Dan Fisher
National Lottery scratchcard winner Dan Fisher

“So, I consider my switching jobs was a lucky turn and now this. It’s incredible, really.

“I enjoy the job and to be employed by a key NHS supplier feels like we’re supporting key workers in their work, which is very rewarding.

“It has been a very busy few months, but Health and Safety regulations mean that there can’t be as many of us on shift at the moment and we’ve been operating a part-time furlough scheme whereby many of us are working two weeks on, two weeks off.”

Dan Fisher
Dan scooped a £300k prize

Dan picked up his winning National Lottery Scratchcard as part of his regular shop at Weston-super-Mare’s Tesco store on Station Road and unpacked his shopping before sitting down to reveal his win.

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He said: “I put everything away, put my sweats back on and couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I rang my brother Tobias before I even rang Camelot to check my win. He was telling me to get off the phone and get onto them!

“I was a bit like Gollum while keeping the Scratchcard safe – I kept it in my work bag, which is never far away from me.”

Dan Fisher
He works building furniture for NHS Nightingale hospitals

Dan will upgrade from his one-bedroom rented flat to buy a bigger first home outright and plans on taking brother Tobias’ young family on a dream trip to Florida as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.

He said: “It’s 10 years since I’ve been on holiday and it will be great to treat my two nephews and nieces to the holiday of a lifetime.

“I’ve been window shopping for houses but am in no real rush, so I will wait until everything settles down and I can get to viewings properly.”

Dan Fisher
Dan plans to spend his winnings on his first house

Dan won the top prize of £300,000 on The National Lottery’s Cashword Bonus Scratchcard. The Cashword Bonus Scratchcard offers a 1 in 3.54 overall chance of winning a prize. The card costs £3 and prizes range from £3 to £300,000.

In the current situation, The National Lottery is encouraging everyone to check their tickets online at or by downloading the National Lottery app, and to only buy or check their tickets in retail in line with government guidance.

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