No secret: Kim is giving away military’s rice store

Posted By : Telegraf
9 Min Read


“North Korea orders the release of military rice stores to general population” was the headline on a recent Daily NK article. Wow!

What’s surprising is not that the regime, confronted with undernourished people, many of them stunted from malnutrition and increasing numbers reported starving, would deplete its war-reserve rice stocks.

That had happened earlier – before and during the horrible famine of the mid-1990s. As former Korean People’s Army Second Lieutenant Kim Nam Joon told me when I interviewed him in 1994, five years after his 1989 defection:

We’re taught that we have a three-year supply of food and petroleum, but I speculate there isn’t much left. It’s just a pitiful situation. Even when I was there they would take rice from the wartime reserves. Now things are much worse, so it’s very probable they’re using the petroleum reserve now.

What’s striking about the DailyNK story and headline is that such inroads into the war reserves – when, of necessity, they do happen – are supposed to be kept as a state secret.


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