Old Rod Stewart photo from 1973 perfectly demonstrates how much youngsters love dogs

Posted By : Telegraf
8 Min Read


A picture of Sir Rod Stewart sat with his chin resting on his hand at the beginning of his rapid rise to fame in 1973 shows an icon instantly recognisable to people across the world.

The signature haircut and fashion sense belong to one of the best-selling music artists of all time; a man who has sold more than 250 million records as a larger-than-life solo artist and lead singer of the Faces, reports the Mirror.

But it’s arguably been more than 30 years since the musician hit the peak of his career and although many would be able to identify Stewart from his silhouette alone, it seems the same can’t be said for every generation.

Younger viewers were more likely to see and be interested in the pooch

The picture of Stewart was shown to a 60-something who grew up during the singer’s heyday, and compared to the first impression of a 20-something looking at the same image – and the results may be enough for a generation of fans to give up on the age group labelled Gen Z.

Rob, a 63-year-old from the Lake District, was able to wax lyrical about Stewart and his career, his stage presence, style, and the split of the Faces, recalling Ronnie Wood’s decision to leave the band and join the Rolling Stones.

Reacting to the image, he said: “All I see is Rod Stewart.

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“I was really into him when I was in senior school, it looks like it would have been middle to late 70s – he looks like the typical rockstar in the 70s.

“When Maggie May came out in ’71 I was 14, so still a teenager, and I was really into the Faces at the time.

“I had his album Every Picture Tells A Story on vinyl.

While those above a certain age just say Maggie May sensation Rod

“I’ve still got it today and it’s one I don’t think I would ever sell.

“Out of everyone I knew I was the only one who was into Rod Stewart.

“Everyone took the p*** out of me but I stuck to my guns.

“He was a rocker, they would go on stage with a crate of wine and footballs and kick them into the crowd.

His hair style was fairly unique and his fashion sense was arty but nothing compared to Bowie.

“Looking at the picture, I didn’t even see the dog. I’m not a dog person.

I might have done if I was a dog person.” It’s a level of interest and knowledge many others will share, but the same photo doesn’t quite evoke the same reaction for 22-year-old Paige, who recognised no icon at all and was more interested in what is sitting at his feet.

Looking at the image, she said: “Well, to me, he looks like he’s stepped right out of the 1960s? Maybe the 1970s? The bell-bottom trousers, loud-patterned shirt and, of course, the long, shaggy hair say it all really.

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“I’d say he seems pretty laid back – maybe he’s into meditation, world peace, that sort of thing.

“Can I talk about the dog now? Ah, so adorable.

“I think we’d get along well (I’m talking about the dog, not him).

“I literally cry at how cute dogs are. Don’t you?

“I’d probably go as far as to say I like dogs more than people.

“They’re easier to get along with, far cuter, they’re always excited to see you, and they keep all of your secrets.

“That guy and his dog look quite similar come to think of it – people say that though, don’t they? Dogs look like their owners.

“Although I’m not so sure that rings true for me, my dog looks nothing like me.” After being informed of who the ‘laid-back’ man posing for the photo is, she adds: “Rod Stewart? Oh right, the name rings a bell actually.

“I don’t think I could name one of his songs..

“His dog definitely takes centre stage though. Come on, look at it. The fluffy fur, little button nose… I want one.”

If, like Paige, you prefer dogs to humans then you can visit our new TeamDogs website, packed full of stories and advice for owners.


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