Osama bin Laden’s artist son says he has forgiven his terror chief father for the first time and loves watching American westerns.
Omar bin Laden, 40, has also painted the mountains where the Al-Qaeda founder hid following the 9/11 Twin Towers attack.
Osama’s fourth son said art helps him relive “the simplicity of childhood” before his father became the world’s most wanted man.
He told Vice: “I want the world to learn that I have grown; that I am comfortable within myself for the first time in my life; that the past is the past and one must learn to live with what has gone by.
“One must forgive if not forget, so that one may be at peace with one’s emotions.â€

(Image: WireImage)
In May 1996 Bin Laden left for the Tora Bora mountains in Afghanistan, choosing Omar alone to accompany him, and set up terror training camps.
He became his father’s tea boy, living in freezing huts and on meagre rations before leaving months before the 9/11 atrocity which he has condemned.
Omar, who is said to have up to 25 siblings through his father, has now painted the mountain scene while living in Normandy, France, with his British wife.
Omar, who grew up in Saudi Arabia and has never been to the US, added he loved American westerns and that Unforgiven starring Clint Eastwood was one of his favourites.

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He said: “I like old Western films… I respect cowboys. I love cowboy dignity.â€
The spitting image of his father added painting “runs in my blood” and comes from his mother – allowing him into “the world of dreams and imaginationâ€.
He said: “I think I’m trying to find some light at the end of this dark road.
“I hope painting will open the light in my life again.â€
One of his artwork, titled “The Light”, is of a black highway going into the horizon over a hill which hides a source of light.
His painting of Tora Bora has jagged sawtooth-like peaks rendered in red.

(Image: Getty Images)
His favourite painting depicts the Arizona desert in the US, showing a rustic cottage and pale green cacti under a starry sky.
Omar, who continues to battle PTSD, bipolar disorder and the psychological scars of his upbringing, said he has also been riding a small team of horses.
Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by US Navy Seals in 2011.
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