Prince Harry wants to put on a “united front†with his brother Prince William when he returns to the UK next month, a source claims.
The Duke of Sussex, 36, is due to return for the unveiling of a statue of his mother Princess Diana at Kensington Palace on July 1.
And the arrival of his baby daughter with his wife Meghan Markle, 39, has cleared the way for him to come back.
Lilibet was born on Friday, June 4 at 11.40am at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California, The Mirror reports.
Kate Middleton had been prepared to step in to be by her husband William’s side if Harry could not make the trip due to the imminent arrival of his second child.

(Image: Getty Images)
Harry, 36, and brother Prince William, 38, will unveil the exhibit they have been working on and designing since 2017.
He has confirmed to aides he will be attending the ceremony in London next month, despite concerns he might not have been able to do so in person.
Harry will be required to produce a negative coronavirus test before he arrives, and take two more when in the UK.

(Image: UK Press via Getty Images)
He may be forced to quarantine for 10 days at his Frogmore Cottage home, in the grounds of the Windsor estate, just as he did when he returned for Philip’s funeral in April.
But he could release himself from quarantine if he produces a negative test on the fifth day of his stay.
A source said: “Harry has said he will do his utmost to be there.

(Image: PA)

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“He wants to put on a united front with William and pay an appropriate tribute to their mother.”
A plinth for the statue has been laid in the palace’s Sunken Garden.
It is said to have been Diana’s favourite spot in the grounds.
The spot was transformed into a tribute to Diana back in 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of her death.

(Image: REUTERS)
This included a display of her favourite flowers including white roses and lilies, tulips and daisies.
Sean Harkin, Kensington Palace’s head gardener, said the choice of flowers reflected Diana’s love of cream and white blooms.
Harry’s decision, along with his wife Meghan to call their newborn daughter Lilibet – who will be known as Lili – after the Queen’s nickname has left the monarch “delighted”.
The Queen was given the nickname by her grandfather George V as a child after she had trouble pronouncing Elizabeth.
Palace insiders hope the joyous news will “go a long way” to start to help heal the fractured relationship between Harry and his family.
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