Pub landlord fears ghosts haunting his snack van after hearing spooky voices inside

Posted By : Telegraf
5 Min Read


Pub boss Steve Pilling has had a bellyful of the supernatural after peckish spooks started haunting his snack van.

Staff say they have heard voices murmuring from inside the wagon while it’s locked up at night.

Cutlery has crashed to the floor when nobody is around.

And the worried workers claimed to have seen the coffee machine start up even when it was switched off.

Steve, 56, is now fed up of the eerie incidents at his pub The Moortop, in Stockport, Greater Manchester.

“I just never counted on anything like this,” he said.

“I just wanted everything to run smoothly for when we re-opened. One member of staff came after the first day and said she had heard a voice whispering from inside, but when she opened up there was nobody there.

Fed-up pub boss Steve Pilling can’t get his staff to serve out of this haunted snack van.
The van spooked by ghost who mysteriously moved in during lockdown.
Van provides snacks by the garden of Steve’s pub The Moortop in Stockport.
Pic: John Mahoney
The spooky spirit allegedly moved into the van during lockdown

“Then someone else took over the shift and said they had been arranging some pastries when all of a sudden the cutlery flew into the air and ended up spread everywhere. I’ve always been a bit cynical about things like this and took a look a few times, but everything seemed normal.

“But then a third staff member said as they opened up in the morning they heard the coffee machine burst into life like it was grinding away, only to find it hadn’t even been switched on.”

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Steve is now trying to research the history of the spot where the van is parked, in Heaton Moor village, Stockport, to learn whether it’s possible the area is haunted.

Fed-up pub boss Steve Pilling can’t get his staff to serve out of this haunted snack van.
The van spooked by ghost who mysteriously moved in during lockdown.
Van provides snacks by the garden of Steve’s pub The Moortop in Stockport.
Pic: John Mahoney
The van provides snacks at The Moortop in Stockport

He added: “You hear how ghosts can stalk an area centuries after someone may have died or been murdered and I would like to find out what may have happened here in the past.

“It’s not surprising the staff are reluctant to get inside the van while all these things are going on.

“But I try and convince myself there must be some very good explanation for all that’s happening.”


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