Virgin passenger screamed ‘I hope this plane crashes’ in drunken mid-air rampage

Posted By : Telegraf
8 Min Read


A drunk first class passenger attacked an air hostess as she was handcuffed on a flight back from Barbados and shouted “I hope this plane crashes and we all die.”

Rachel Street, 41, had to be restrained on the Virgin Airways flight from the Caribbean island to London Heathrow on January 5, this year.

The pub manager pleaded guilty to being drunk on an aircraft, using threatening and insulting language, refusing to obey a pilots command and assault.

Ealing Magistrates Court heard she hurled abuse at cabin crew, including the flight service manager.

Ms Street leaves court
Rachel Street leaves Ealing Magistrates Court in London on Wednesday

The court heard she had four drinks on the plane before staff refused to serve her.

Magistrates heard the abuse started an hour into the seven-and-a-half hour flight, when a cabin crew member said Street was “talking inappropriately” to other passengers.

When asked if she’d been drinking she replied: “What do you think?”

Prosecutor Christelle McCracken said: “She was slurring her words and wasn’t able to focus her eyes and didn’t appear to make sense.

“She was told she wouldn’t be served any more alcohol. She told her to ‘f off’ and called her a ‘b*’.

“She was told to calm down as her behaviour was disturbing other passengers.”

Rachel Street, 41
Street was moved out of the plane’s luxury Upper Class cabin

As her behaviour was “causing concern” the captain was informed, the court heard, who has the power to order passengers to be restrained.

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When the crew started serving hot drinks, Street was overheard explaining that she had tried to flirt with another passenger because he ‘looked fing miserable and lonely’.

The passenger was said to be concerned Street was going to ‘jump on him’.

The aircraft’s captain spoke to Street and said she would be arrested at the airport if she continued – but the court heard Street replied: “Bring it on ahole”.

A flight restraint kit had to be opened shortly afterwards when Street called a cabin crew member a ‘blonde c’ and entered the galley area of the plane to shout at crew members for talking about her.

Ealing Magistrates Court
The case may be carried from Ealing Magistrates Court into the crown court

Ms McCracken said: “She burst through the galley curtain and said ‘I can hear you all f*ing b**’.

“She struck out at the flight service manager in an attempt to grab her. Another cabin crew member then placed himself between her to stop her making contact.

“She struggled and caused them to get the handcuffs.”

Street managed to free her left hand from the handcuffs and grabbed flight attendant Jenna King’s hair, the court heard.

She was then restrained to her seat for the rest of the flight and shouted “I hope this plane f***ing crashes and we all die” and that she “wanted to kill” the passenger behind her before falling asleep.

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Cabin crew had to station themselves around Street throughout the flight to “protect the other passengers and cabin crew”, the court heard.

Police boarded the flight after it landed at Heathrow and arrested her.

She is said to have told officers: “I am extremely drunk”.

Ms King, the cabin crew who was assaulted, said in a statement: “Due to the threats made towards me by her and how vicious and aggressive she was, I believe had she not been restrained she genuinely would have tired to harm me and I did feel threatened.”

A passenger who was on the flight with her husband and baby said: “During this flight she was verbally and physically abusive towards cabin crew. Staff reacted really well to attend to the situation while shielding other passengers and protecting them.”

She said that when police boarded the plane, Street “showed no remorse and had an expression that was very smug.”

She added: “I was scared by the incident as I had an 18-month-old baby.”
Sunvir Kaur, defending Street, said: “She is of hitherto impeccable good character. She is a 41-year-old professional woman who never had any dealings with the police.”

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She said the behaviour was “totally out of character”.

Magistrates ordered a pre-sentence report before adjourning for sentencing.

They will consider at the next hearing whether she needs to be sentenced at the crown court.

Street, of Streatham, south London, will next appear on April 26.


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